When Sara becomes increasingly suspicious of what her husband Mark is doing behind her back, she crosses every previously established boundary to find the evidence she needs to prove her suspicions.
And when Sara lays her eyes on a seemingly ordinary-looking family photo, she spots something that leaves her with no other option than to file for divorce…
But what did Sara see in this photo? What could be so bad that she feels forced to divorce her husband? What had Mark been hiding from Sara and what would this mean for the future of their family?
Sara grabs the crumpled-up piece of paper on which Mark wrote down the password to his computer. She hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but felt like she had noother choice. She has to see what is on these photos. She had to know what Mark had been hiding from her...
After a little bit of searching, Sara finds the folder she was looking for. She takes a deep breath and opens it. A wave of surprise and confusion hits her. This was not what she expected to find. She clicks on one of the photos and then she suddenly sees it…
She can’t believe it. She never thought Mark was capable of something like this. How could he do this to their family?! Tears are starting to stream down her face…
But to better understand Sara’s extreme reaction, a bit of backstory is required...
At first glance, the Millers seem to be a relatively normal American family consisting of Mark and Sara, and their two young children. But while the family may seem normal now, they definitely haven’t always been. A lot went on beneath the surface nobody knew about…
Sara has been together with Mark since she was only 15 years old and thus the pair have kind of grown up together it seems. After they met, They got really close really quickly and there was a good reason for that...
Sara first met Mark when she and a couple of friends went to hang out at an old warehouse where a lot of young people were squatting. This was a local spot that often had parties going under the police’s radar and was thus very popular in the small town.
By that point, Mark himself had been living at the warehouse for only a couple of weeks. When Sara and her friend, along with some other people, arrived, he was very quiet at first and didn’t look for contact. He sat alone outside of the building most of the time that night.
The other squatters that had lived in the warehouse much longer told Sara and her friends that this had been the case ever since he got there. They weren’t a fan of his antisocial behavior but weren’t going to send a 16-year old away who had no place else to go...