Grieving Man Spots Wife And Son 3 Years After Their Funeral

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Suddenly, a wild wolf burst through the hospital's entrance, its powerful presence sending shockwaves through the corridors. The sight of the ferocious creature caused panic and confusion among the staff and patients. The nurses scattered, seeking shelter from the wolf's imposing figure. Among them was a young nurse named Emily. With wide eyes and trembling hands, she watched as the wolf prowled through the hospital, its fierce gaze piercing through the chaos. However, amidst the fear and frenzy, Emily noticed something unusual.

The wolf carried something in its jaws......

Total Shock
Source: Robert Kneschke /

Everyone at the hospital is in total shock, most of the staff run away in fear of the wolf. Emily tries calming everyone because she notices that the wolf is carrying something, it looks like a small creature, but it is not a wolf. What could it possibly be?

Evacuating hospital
Source: fizkes /

The hospital security immediately starts evacuating the hospital. They can't risk anyone getting hurt by the wolf. Emily tries to stop them, telling them the wolf needs help. However, almost nobody seems to care. Emily decides to take matters into her own hands. This was her one chance to really make a difference.

Approaching the wolf
Source: Onlyshaynestockphoto /

She tries to get close to the wolf, but the wolf is running around the hospital, not knowing where to go. It seems very lost and helpless, making sounds that sound like it is in distress. Emily then comes up with a plan to lock the wolf inside a room with her, but it seems very dangerous with a predator.

The wolf is defensive
Source: every time /

Emily manages to lock the wolf with the small creature in a room, then the wolf suddenly gets very aggressive and tries jumping Emily. Emily is very scared but manages to keep a safe distance from the wolf. Luckily, the wolf doesn't want to go far from the creature it is protecting.

Emily tries to calm the wolf down
Source: / Mircea Costina

Emily tries to make herself small to let the wolf know that she is there to help the wolf out. She knows that the wolf desperately needs the help of her or a veterinarian. Emily is in luck, and the wolf seems to calm down. Then Emily decides to seek help from a willing doctor.

vCalls doctors to help out
Source: Unique Vision /

Emily opens the door, and the wolf stays in the room, Emily thinks it finally understands that she is going to get the wolf help. Emily quickly shouts to some doctors that she needs help with the wolf, to her frustration, they all just run away from her. They don't want to get hurt.

Doctors are reluctant
Source: amnat30 /

All the doctors seem very reluctant to help Emily. She pleads with them to just follow her. They tell her that they called animal control to remove the wolf from the hospital. Emily drops to her knees. How can she convince them to help?

Convincing them there is something wrong
Source: wideonet /

She finally finds a close friend of hers and a good surgeon who is willing to go with her to see what is going on. He tells Emily to stay in front. He isn't a veterinarian, so he does not have the required skills. But he promises Emily he will everything he can do to help.

The wolf seems concerned about the small creature
Source: / Mircea Costina

When they get close to the room, they hear howling. The wolf seems to get very concerned about the well-being of the small creature. They have to act fast. However, when entering the room, the wolf is instantly on edge again. There seems to be a strong connection between the creature and the wolf.

Wolf showing teeth
Source: Valery Evlakhov /

Emily tries to get closer, but the wolf instantly shows her teeth. Emily quickly realizes that this isn't going to get easy. She doesn't know what to do. When her friend, Mark, tries it the wolf seems even more displeased and even starts growling at him. Mark now doesn't even dare to come closer.

Wolf only lets Emily get closer
Source: Valery Evlakhov /

Emily doesn't give up, and by some miracle, the wolf only lets her get closer to the creature. Emily doesn't know what to do she has no clue what the creature could be, but it seems very weak. She has to bring it somewhere to a safe and sterile room.

Emily picks up the creature
Source: Valery Evlakhov /

Emily musters up the courage to pick up the creature, knowing that the wolf watches her every move. Luckily when she picks it up the wolf doesn't resist either. It finally recognizes that Emily is only there to help. However, she still doesn't let Mark come close.

Wolf following Emily

Emily knows she has to get to an operating room, and the wolf follows her. Emily doesn't know what to do next, Mark tells her he has no idea what he needs to do. They need to bring in an animal expert. Preferably a veterinarian. However, the nearest one is still pretty far away.

Calling the vet
Source: kan_chana /

Mark tells her to call the veterinarian to see if he can assist from a distance. She instantly gets a hold of the veterinarian and when she explains the situation the vet is instantly silent. For several seconds no response came. Emily had the feeling that something was very wrong.

The black creature seems weak
Source: Lucky Business /

He asks Emily to describe the creature for her. He has absolutely no idea what it is, and how to help it. But he realizes that it is getting weaker by the minute. He needs to be there in person. Emily sighs. She knows they need to wait longer for help. She grows desperate. Then the wolf starts acting up.

The wolf suddenly starts howling
Source: Hugo Felix /

The wolf suddenly starts howling, as if it realizes something is wrong. Emily recognizes that there is something more about it. The wolf seems suddenly really on edge. Then some police officers burst into the room to check if everyone is all right.

Everyone is shocked by the sudden outburst
Source: Lucky Business /

The wolf seems shocked about the number of people that are in the room. It looks like it feels threatened. Emily immediately shields the wolf from the police officers that are on edge. She tells them to back off. Then the wolf does something unexpected.

It seems like it wants Emily to follow
Source: Mallmo /

The wolf walks towards the door, it looks like it wants Emily to follow her. Emily has no clue what is going on. But a sense of urgency is in the air, and Emily can't ignore the wolf. She feels like she has to follow the wolf.

Emily has the feeling more is going on
Source: phadpangpang /

Deep down Emily feels that there is way more going on than everyone realizes. She follows the wolf outside. It seems to be heading towards the forest. Emily runs back inside to grab her phone to alert the veterinarian.

The vet is on his way
Source: Ela wulansar /

The vet tells Emily he is on his way towards the hospital, but can't provide further help. If there is something else in the forest, then Emily is on her own. He can't do two things at once. His priority is the weak creature. Emily has to make a choice.

Emily decides to go and follow the wolf
Source: Leinad Roman /

Emily decides with some reluctance to follow the wolf into the dense forest. She feels unsafe on her own. The wolf doesn't seem too aggressive. But, Emily has the feeling she does need some backup. She only knows one person.

Calls for an animal expert
Source: ainarhamra /

She calls a friendly animal expert from the local animal sanctuary to tell her where she is heading. He urges her against blindly following the wolf. Emily starts hesitating. She shares her live location with David. Then she looks right in the wolf's eyes.

Wolf gets fidgety, Emily needs to go now
Source: luck luckyfarm /

The wolf starts to get fidgety. Emily can't wait for David to show up and decides to head into the dense forest with the wolf guiding her. Emily has no clue where she is going, but it feels like this is very important. Like there is something more going on.

Getting anxious
Source: Deb Robinson Photos /

The deeper they get into the forest, the more anxious Emily gets. She feels like she is being watched. There is one thing that comforts her, the wolf is probably defending her if something goes wrong. Then she hears something.

Emily starts hearing faint noises
Source: naKornCreat /

Emily starts hearing faint noises in the distance. It first sounds like cries for help. However, it keeps getting weaker by the second. This can't be good. There are some animals that are in desperate need of attention. But what could they be?

Call from the vet
Source: oneinchpunch /

Emily is on edge and almost against when she hears a loud noise. She then realizes she is getting called by someone. She picks up the phone, but she almost has no signal. She hears the vet on the other side stuttering. It vaguely sounds like he urges her to go back.

Urgent call
Source: Pitchayarat Chootai /

Emily knows it is an urgent call. The wolf is staring at her in desperation. Emily starts to doubt her choices. Should she go towards the noises, or should she decide to back off now? She takes a few steps back, but then she realizes it is already too late.

Emily starts backing off
Source: Viacheslav Boiko /

When she starts backing off, the wolf senses her fear and starts growling. Emily then realizes she has absolutely no choice but to follow the wolf wherever it is leading her. Emily can't believe she is doing this, but there is no going back now.

No choice
Source: naKornCreat /

Emily decides to muster all of her courage to keep on following the noises. She senses she is close. It is only a matter of time before she knows the urgency of the situation. She feels a shiver down her spine when the forest starts getting more dense.

Emily gets increasingly scared, then she suddenly hears a voice
Source: rzoze19 /

Emily hears noises all around her. This time she is certain that someone is close to her. She definitely knows she is being watched now. Then she turns pale when she hears a voice in the distance shouting at her.

David catches up to her
Source: ShutterProductions /

Due to the adrenaline, Emily doesn't recognize the voice. But when she looks up, she realizes it is David who luckily caught up to her. He tells her he lost her signal but was able to track her down thanks to the tracks of the wolf. Then the wolf suddenly gets aggressive.

Wolf starts charging
Source: Raul_RO_Foto /

The wolf doesn't know who David is and starts to charge towards him. Emily realizes what is going on, and throws herself in between the wolf and David. She closes her eyes, not knowing what is going to happen next.

wolf stops her attack
Source: Monthira /

Right before impact, the wolf stops its attack. Emily sighs in relief. The wolf seems to realize David is there to help. It turns around again and hints that both Emily and David should be following now. Emily realizes they are close.

David in shock
Source: Jasen Wright /

David was so shocked about the sudden charge that he fell down. He slowly gets up and asks Emily what exactly is going on. Emily tells him that she has absolutely no idea about the gravity of the situation, or what they are chasing. But she urges him to trust the wolf.

Noises getting louder
Source: Jasen Wright /

David follows closely behind Emily when he picks up the distress noises as well. He realizes that there is something that urgently needs their attention. The sounds are getting increasingly louder with every step they take toward them.

Not recognizing the noises
Source: Bairachnyi Dmitry /

Emily asks David if he recognizes the noises. David tells her that he has never heard anything like these noises before. They both have absolutely no clue what kind of animal it could be. They know the wolf is connected. But in what way?

Curiosity is high
Source: Bairachnyi Dmitry /

Curiosity is at an all-time high for both Emily and David. Then they finally get to the source of the noises. They realize they come from down an old well. Something probably fell down the well. The wolf hints at the fact this is where he wants Emily and David to help.

Source: Denis Kuvaev /

Emily looks down and calls David over. It is really dark inside of the well. They can't see anything. However, they definitely know that there is something down there. They hear it. It sounds like some animals are in distress. They need to act now, but how?

Source: Raul_RO_Foto /

By a stroke of luck, David had brought some rope with him. He tells Emily that it is strong enough to hold him so he can repel down. He quickly starts tying the rope to a nearby tree. However, he quickly realizes the rope is too short.

Emily is hesitant about David's plan
Source: Raul_RO_Foto /

David tells Emily that there is only one way to do this. He needs her to hold the rope while he repels down. Emily is hesitant. This could go very wrong; she feels like she isn't strong enough. She needs to tie the rope around her waste. This could seriously hurt her.

Wolf getting anxious
Source: rzoze19 /

The wolf is getting anxious because it is taking so long. Finally, Emily gives in and goes along with David's plan. She ties the rope around her waist and holds it tight. Then David realizes he has missed something.

No light
Source: Tuwanon Jeekan /

While preparing to go down, he realizes he has no flashlight and his phone just died. Emily quickly gives him her phone so he can go down. David takes a deep breath and lets himself go over the edge while Emily grabs the rope tightly.

Rope slips
Source: - Yuri A /

David repels down, then Emily panics while the rope slips away from him. The rope isn't tied well enough around her waist, and she suddenly hears David scream and a loud noise. She realizes he hit the bottom....

David fell to the bottom
Source: naKornCreat /

David did indeed fall, but luckily he was almost at the bottom. The wolf managed to hold the rope with its teeth. This way, Emily could secure the rope and make sure David could get back up again. David grabs the phone and activates the flashlight. Then he finally realizes what was making the noise.

Pointing the flashlight

David points the flashlight toward the noises and sees more of these tiny animals. He shouts to Emily what he sees. She realizes that the one in the hospital was not the only one. She shouts back to David that they need to get them out of the well. They need to do it quickly; they don't have a lot of time.

One at a time
Source: Tuwanon Jeekan /

David needs to bring them to the surface one at a time. The animals are weak, so he needs to support them as well as he can. David has no clue what they could be. But he has a feeling that the vet already has an answer back at the hospital.

Five animals
Source: Monthira /

After about 15 minutes, David got all the animals to the surface. They were now staring at a total of five animals. There was only one problem they had to deal with now. They had to get them safely to the hospital. But the animals were too big to transport them all at once. Or so it seemed.

Carrying them
Source: Mallmo /

David and Emily can only carry two each, which still leaves them with one. However, they realized that the wolf could carry one of them as well. They picked up the animals and started making a run for it. They had to get back. Then Emily got called.

Vet calling
Source: MemoriesStocker /

Emily got called, but the vet that he had identified the animal and that it was important she returned to the hospital immediately. Emily told the vet that they had found five more. Then she heard a gasp, ''How is that even possible!'' The vet shouted.

Rushing back to the hospital
Source: PIC SNIPE /

Emily told David about the vet's reaction. They both got really concerned about how he reacted and fastened their pace. They know now, they cannot waste any minute. The animals had to go to the vet to be saved. Were they too late already?

Source: Levitskaya /

When they arrived at the hospital, they were told to hand over the animals and wait in the waiting room of the operating room. They cannot enter the room under any circumstance. The vet needs to be fully focused to save the animals. Emily gets really anxious....

Source: Desizned /

They start speculating what these animals could be. They aren't wolves, but the wolf is definitely connected to them. The wolf was allowed inside of the operating room because they could not control it anymore. Then after some hours, they heard a loud howl.

Finally done
Source: /

The howl was coming from the operating room. The vet opened the door and let them inside. He told them they were just in time and that they had managed to save the animals. Emily sighed in relief, but she was still curious.

Checking on the wolf
Source: Ground Picture /

Emily first runs to the wolf, who seems to be very calm. The animals themselves also stopped making noises and appeared to be asleep. The vet tells her that they needed to regain their strength and that it could take a while

Emily hugs the wolf
Source: /

Emily musters up the courage to hug the wolf. The wolf lets her; it realizes that Emily had all the best intentions and managed to help in this difficult situation. Then Emily turns to the vet and asks for an explanation.

Vet starts explaining
Source: Ground Picture /

The vet starts off by telling Emily and David that he was wrong. He should have never asked Emily to go back. However, he was scared that something might happen. Then he tells them that he saved some extraordinary animals that he had never seen before.

Source: ShutterProductions /

These animals are a cross-breed between a wild dog and a wolf, he can't tell how they ended up inside the well, but these pups are very rare. He knows that there is a black market for animals like this. She is completely against letting them back into the wild. They need to go to someplace safe.

Safe place
Source: kzww /

He tells them it is best for the pups and the wolf to be transferred to a safe place where they can be observed, not a zoo, but an animal sanctuary. Luckily David works for the local animal sanctuary, and they still have room for these animals.

The wolf
Source: Themalni /

David is concerned about the wolf, and what it will do when they take her pups away. However,  it seems like the wolf is happy to follow her pups to the animal sanctuary, where she is taken care of. One less thing to worry about.

Regular visits
Source: affpixture /

Emily now regularly visits the wolf, and even the pups recognize her and David now. She gets a lot of love from them. She is happy that she made the choice to conquer her fears and follow the wolf into the forest that day to save the animals.

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Woman Gives Birth To Special Looking Baby - Doctor Is Shocked When Doing A DNA Test

Karen felt like she was going to give birth, so her husband Frank quickly drove her to the hospital. Karen was in labor for 48 hours when she finally gave birth. But when the doctor saw what she gave birth to, he immediately turned pale. He did not know what to say. The baby was carried away, and Karen was told they needed to run some tests to make sure the baby was fine. After hours the doctor returned.

This cannot be good....

"I'm so sorry..."

His whole face has gone red, and he can barely look Karen or her husband Frank, in the eye. They have never seen him like this before. What is going on? When he finally starts to talk, all he can do is stutter. “I-I’m so sorry…”.

additional research / ctrlsphoto
Source: / ctrlsphoto

The doctor told the parents that they needed to run some more tests. Karen couldn't contain herself anymore. She had to see her child. But the doctor said it might be too dangerous for the child. He had to get answers...

Karen begging to see child / Stokkete

Karen begged to see her child. The doctor would not budge. He did not even want to tell them anything. Frank got a little angry as well. He got up and told the doctor nobody would stop him from seeing his child. The doctor was shocked

Doctor doesn't want to show it
Source: / Mike_shots

Frank walked over to the research wing of the hospital. The doctor did not expect this, but he called security to make sure Frank was stopped. Frank did not struggle because he knew it could only end badly. He was eventually escorted out of the hospital. But Karen had to stay.

Karen gets asked questions / Stokkete

Karen was escorted to another room. She asked where Frank was, but he was sent home. Karen had to stay for additional questioning. They needed to get more information to determine what was happening with the child.

During pregnancy
Source: / Ground Picture

Karen was asked a lot of questions about her pregnancy but wouldn't answer at first. Only her baby was on her mind. The nurse then told Karen that it was important for the survival of her baby that she would answer. Karen had no idea it was this serious...

Sure Frank is the father?
Source: / S_L

Karen was asked if she was sure that Frank was the father. Karen was shocked. How could they ask this of her? Of course, Frank was the father. The nurse felt like Karen had something to hide from them. Karen did not tell the whole story.

Karen crying
Source: Chepko Danil Vitalevich
Source: Chepko Danil Vitalevich

Karen started crying when she was pressured. A lot happened before and during the pregnancy. She did not want to tell anyone about it. Did she just put her child's life in danger due to her own dangerous lifestyle?

Doesn't want to share story
Source: / S_L

The nurse told Karen that if she did not want to share, she shouldn't. But the nurse assured Karen that she had nothing to fear. Everything that they would discuss would remain between them. Then Karen started talking about her past.

Nurse calming her down
Source: / S_L

Karen almost couldn't speak it was so difficult for her to tell what she had done. She had a wild lifestyle before meeting Frank. She drank and partied a lot. Frank managed to get her to slow down. But it could have been too late. She got pregnant by surprise

Pregnancy / wavebreakmedia
Source: / wavebreakmedia

During the pregnancy, she often had bad stomach cramps that she could not explain. But the doctor assured her every time that all was good. Karen thought this was normal for pregnancy. Did the doctor overlook something?

Looking at past test / Ground Picture
Source: / Ground Picture

When the nurse looked at past tests that other doctors ran, she saw something weird. A lot of information was redacted. It was almost like they were trying to cover something up. They had to get to the bottom of this. 

karen still hasn't seen baby
Source: / Ground Picture

Karen still had not realized what truly was going on. The nurse had called a doctor back in. She asked him about the test results. However, the doctor who ran the tests was fired two weeks ago. Was this connected?

Doctor assures her baby is fine
Source: / Andrei_R

The doctor kept reassuring Karen that the baby was still fine. But they had to figure out if it could survive without being taken care of. The baby was definitely a special case for the hospital. Then the doctor told Karen she herself had to stay during the night.

Karen needs to stay during night
Source: / Stokkete

Karen decides she will not struggle anymore. She had a feeling it was better for her and her baby to work with the doctor. Karen also had something else in mind for that night that she did not tell anyone else about.

Gets up out of bed at night
Source: / sfam_photo

Karen was obviously not locked into her room during the night. So she decided she would get up out of bed and look for her baby. They cannot keep the baby from her any longer. She had to see what was going on. This is something she would regret a lot later.

Sneaks to floor with baby
Source: / Alexandros Michailidis

Karen knows roughly where in the hospital they are keeping the babies. When the nurse did her last round, Karen sneaked out of bed. It was finally time to get answers! Karen sneaked her way to the floor above. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins. She is almost there.

Security doing rounds
Source: / Andrey_Popov

Security was doing its rounds, so Karen had to be careful. She still had not changed. So she could not say that she worked for the hospital. Then she saw the room with the babies. There was one problem, the door was locked.

Karen needs keycard
Source: / Towfiqu ahamed barbhuiya

Karen realized she needed a keycard to enter the room. This was the only way for her to get inside. She had a feeling she knew where to get one, but she had to be extremely careful. She was still weak from giving birth, so if they caught her, she couldn't run.

Security room
Source: / Gorodenkoff

The only way to get the keycard was in the security room. Karen had a feeling there might be some spare keycards there. She had a plan. When security was doing their rounds, she would quickly grab one of the walls. By some miracle, she managed to get the keycard. It was time to get to her baby.

Goes back to the baby room
Source: / Bignai

Karen quickly goes back to the baby's room. She swipes the keycard. Then she let loose a sigh of relief. The door opened. Now she had to find her child. This was difficult for her since she had not seen her child. Luckily names were on the units.

Enters and looks for baby
Source: / Circlephoto

She enters the room and starts looking around. Her baby did not seem to be here at all. Then in the corner of her eye, she sees a special unit. This must be it. She walks over to this when and falls to her knees.

Sees baby and screams
Source: / Stock Unit

When Karen sees her child, she actually starts crying. Then she lets go with a loud scream. She doesn't care if anyone hears her. She was overwhelmed with emotions. She just could not contain it. Then she heard footsteps in the hallway.

Doctor and nurses comming in
Source: / sirtravelalot

The doctor and a couple of nurses came running inside. They saw Karen on the floor next to the unit with her child. They thought of the worst. Karen was in total shock when the nurses sat down next to her. The doctor sighed.

calming Karen down / David Pereiras
Source: / David Pereiras

This was exactly why they did not want Karen to come close to her child before they could get answers. The child was still alive, but now they needed to explain something to Karen they had no answers for.

Karen demands explanation / Stock Unit
Source: / Stock Unit

Karen demands an explanation now. She wants to know why her baby looks like that. The doctor has no answers for her, so she gets even more upset. The doctor tells Karen that the results of the test will probably come tomorrow. Karen does not want to hear it and causes a scene.

Doctor tells her to go back to bed / Stock Unit
Source: / Stock Unit

The doctor urges Karen to go to bed and get some sleep. They even tell her they want to give her something so she can sleep tight this night. Karen does not want to hear it. She is extremely stubborn. The doctor has no other option than to force Karen to bed. She is locked in as well for her own safety.

Karen cant sleep at night / Stock Unit
Source: / Stock Unit

That night Karen can't sleep at all she only thinks about what she had seen that night. Her baby did not look good at all. This could be a true disaster for her and Frank. She wanted so bad for it to be the next day. The doctor would finally have some answers. Or so she thought.

Doctor comming in with test results

The doctor looks very concerned the next day when stepping inside the room. He is deadly serious. He tells Karen to call Frank to come in. She needs to assure the doctor that she can keep calm, and Frank has to be calm as well.

Frank upset confronts Karen / wutzkohphoto
Source: / wutzkohphoto

Frank comes in and immediately starts confronting Karen. ''What have you done''. The doctor urges Frank to be quiet and sit down. He had no right to attack Karen like this. He did not even have a clue what was going on.

Karen says its his / S_L
Source: / S_L

Frank wants to go, but he doesn't believe that this baby is his. Karen assures him she has done nothing wrong. Then she demands from the doctor that he does a test to see if Frank is the baby's biological father. The doctor agrees.

Frank needs to give his DNA sample / adriaticfoto
Source: / adriaticfoto

Frank was asked by the doctor to give a DNA sample. Franks was confused, but he agreed. He wanted to get an answer. The doctor figured if Frank gave his DNA, he might figure out what was going on with the baby as well. 

Couple hours later / Ground Picture
Source: / Ground Picture

The doctor told Frank and Karen they had to wait a couple of hours for the test results to come in. Karen thought it was better to wait separately from Franks because Frank was still fuming with anger that he couldn't contain. Then the doctor came back.

Doctor looks at the DNA results / SeventyFour
Source: / SeventyFour

The doctor had a closed envelope with him with the DNA results Karen was asked to come back in. The doctor was nervous about this as well. If Frank turned out not to be the father, what could Karen possibly have done? When he opened the envelope, she turned pale.

Turns to Frank, Frank sweating / Chaay_Tee
Source: / Chaay_Tee

The doctor turned to Frank. Frank started sweating about what the doctor had to say. Read the test results very carefully. He had thought it would have a different outcome. But Frank was concerned since the doctor was so in shock.

Its his / Viktoriia Hnatiuk
Source: / Viktoriia Hnatiuk

The doctor said that they had found nothing extremely strange. Frank is indeed the father, but they could not find any DNA from Karen. Karen was extremely confused. The doctor had no answer for this. But told them they would figure it out today.

Seeing child / Robie Online
Source: / Robie Online

Karen wants to see her child now. This time the doctor agreed to walk Frank and Karen to the baby room. When Frank sees his child for the first time, he is totally baffled. He did not have such an extreme reaction as Karen. But he still had many questions.

Doctor doesnt know yet / Ground Picture
Source: / Ground Picture

The doctor assures the couple that they are working around to clock to provide them with answers. Multiple doctors are working overtime in the lab to figure out what is going on with their child and the strange DNA results.

More tests / Ground Picture
Source: / Ground Picture

The last thing that the doctors think of is a hair test. They take a sample of the hair of baby, which does not hurt. This could also take a few hours, but the doctors are hopeful that this will give them a definite answer. Then Karen acted up again.

karen says the baby is probably swapped / Stock Unit
Source: / Stock Unit

She suddenly claims their baby is probably swapped, and she looks for 'her' child. Frank thought Karen had gone completely mad. The doctor tries to stop Karen but eventually just lets her do her thing to come to a realization.

Karen in denial / Stock Unit
Source: / Stock Unit

Karen is still very much in denial. She does not want to keep the baby because she says it isn't hers. Frank and the doctor let her rage on for a couple of moments. Then finally, Karen sits on the floor and just gives up.

Frank encourages Karen to keep the baby / Stock Unit
Source: / Stock Unit

Frank then tries to encourage Karen to care for and keep the baby. The doctor told them the baby is healthy and didn't seem to suffer from something life-threatening. The only thing is that everything took longer than expected, and they will have the results tomorrow.

Going home together without baby / Stock Unit
Source: / Stock Unit

Frank and Karen decide to indeed go home without the baby. They both thought long and hard that night about what they would do. The next day everything would be revealed. They could hardly wait for so long. But they had to.

Doctor calls next day to come in / Stock Unit
Source: / Stock Unit

They had been waiting in front of the phone since they woke up. Any minute the doctor could call. They tried calling themselves, but the doctor was too busy to come to the phone. Then the phone finally rang.

Has an answer / Prostock-studio
Source: / Prostock-studio

They pick up, and there is a lot of tension in the room. Karen puts the doctor on speaker. He starts talking about what they had done and reveals that they finally have an answer that they want to share to them in person. Karen and Frank quickly jumped in the car.

Karen is really tense / Anze Mulec
Source: / Anze Mulec

During the whole drive to the hospital, Karen is very tense. She hardly speaks to Frank. She has no idea what to expect. But she feels like she will not like the answer that the doctor will give her. After a drive that feels like hours, they finally arrive.

The baby is completely healthy / Ground Picture
Source: / Ground Picture

They enter the doctor's office, and the doctor tells them to sit down. The nurse brings the baby in, and he tells them their baby is perfectly healthy. They also have an explanation for why the baby looks so special. Karen is now on the edge of her seat.

Special hair 'disease' nothing to worry about

The baby suffers from a rare hair 'disease'. It is not really a disease, but they doctor explains that the baby will actually slowly gets better with time, and the hair will change. Karen and Frank are relieved. The DNA was explained as well. They made the mistake of not taking Karen's DNA, so they did not have a match.



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Source: YouTube

Mason was devastated by the loss of his wife and son three years ago in a car accident. They were driving through the mountains when their car lost control and plunged into a raging river. The police couldn't even find the bodies, and Mason was left to grieve and mourn without any closure or resolution. But then a miracle happened. Suddenly he saw them walking in a park hundreds of miles from their town. Mason couldn't believe his eyes.

So Mason ran towards them and embraced them both tightly. But as he held onto them, his wife's tears began to fall. "I have to tell you something ...."

Looking at them
Source: / Vitalii Berestetskyi

Mason looked at a mother and son walking in the distance. He squeezed his eyes, trying to figure out who he was looking at! Sure, the accident had been three years, but he was still very aware of what his beloved wife and son looked like, and he knew who he was seeing! 

Couldn’t believe his eyes 
Source: LTim

He couldn’t believe it! Three long years without them, and there they were! He rubbed his eyes and kept looking at them. So many questions were to be answered: what happened to them, why did it take them so long to show themselves, and the most important question: was it really them? 

Approaching them 
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Source: Heiko Küverling

His mind raced. What should he ask them? How do you approach your wife and son you considered to be dead for three years? This scenario never ever occured in his mind, he had to come up with something. But then he was just two steps away from them. He tapped her shoulder and she turned around...

Car accident 
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Source: Gorodenkoff

And when he saw her face, everything that happened three years ago flashed in his mind...

Mason lost his wife and son three years ago during a fatal car crash. He survived the accident himself and woke up several weeks from a coma. That’s when he heard about the passing of his son and wife. He has lived at an asylum ever since, to recover both physically and mentally. 

No easy recovery 
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Source: Prostock-studio

It took him all he had to learn to walk again. It barely gave him a chance to grieve. Naturally, his was quite unhealthy. He walked in a park nearby to recover both physically and mentally. He walked the same route every single day, but this particular day had something truly remarkable in store for him. 

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Source: Robson90

He was walking in the park, enjoying the sounds of birds chirping and the smell of the recently mowed grass. He reached the fountain. As a daily routine, he washed his hands in the water coming out of the fountain. He then sees a woman and little boy walking, quite far away. Something about them resonates with him. 

Getting closer
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Source: Andrey_Popov

Out of curiosity, Mason decided to get a bit closer. He didn’t seem to get any closer, as walking still took an effort, and them being far more mobile. They disappeared before he could get any closer. He didn’t know anything about them, yet, he had a feeling. He wasn’t wrong… 

Next day 
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Source: next143

The next day, he returned to the park. Since his stay in the asylum, Mason had become very precise. Naturally, that meant he’d go back the next day at the exact same time and to the exact same location. But they were nowhere to be seen. He accepted it and let it go. This would turn out to be too soon. 

A week later 
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Source: maeching chaiwongwatthana

The rest of the week passed by without Mason seeing them or even being aware of them. Then, exactly a week later, he saw them again! Again, the woman was holding the hand of the little boy, and Mason couldn’t stop seeing the similarity between this woman and boy, and his wife and son. He was in shock. 

Talking to the psychiatrist 
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Source: New Africa

Back at the asylum, Mason shared his thoughts with his psychiatrist. The psychiatrist eased his mind: he told him how these were probably just phases of his mourning. They would pass. Even though Mason truly trusted his psychiatrist, he had a hard time accepting this as an explanation. He was convinced of what he saw. 

Coming up with a plan 
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Source: WPixz

Back in his room, Mason wanted clarity. He knew he had to come up with a plan in order to see the woman and boy better. How could he do this? How would he come closer without scaring them? Finally, he came up with something and went back to the park the next day with a thought-out plan. 

Going early 
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Source: sirtravelalot

As his possible wife and son would show up at a very precise moment of the day, he thought of coming a bit early. This way, he could wait at the side of the park where they came from, and he wouldn’t have to follow them. But Mason had to ask permission in the asylum first, which took a long time, and Mason grew anxious. 

Getting permission 
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Source: next143

Finally, Mason was allowed to leave a bit early. If he rushed, he’d still be in time. While he was on his way, he couldn’t help but visualize his wife and son. He couldn’t shake the image. He was nearing the place he had in mind and kept walking as fast as he could. Would he be on time? 

Taking place 
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Source: plains-wanderer

Mason sat on a park bench. He felt restless and excited at the same time; this could change his life completely! He tried to close his eyes but kept imagining his wife and son when he did. He tried to enjoy the sounds of the birds chirping, but couldn’t seem to appreciate it this time. Then, finally, the woman and little boy seem to appear… 

Letting them come close 
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Source: Mr.Nikon

Mason patiently waited. They were a lot closer now, but Mason didn’t dare to come closer. He didn't really know what he was seeing. Were they really his wife and son? Weren’t they buried underground? Didn’t he visit them weekly? Mason was terribly conflicted, and little did he know, time was running out.

Going back 
Source: Clem Hencher-Stevens



No more progression 
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Source: namtipStudio

Mason’s recovery got a hit. After the other day, his body felt strange, and he no longer went for his daily walks. This meant a relapse, both physically and mentally. He didn’t leave his room any more and frequently missed out on his therapy sessions. But this would soon change. 

Showing up 
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Source: Chinnapong

One day, Mason decided to visit his psychiatrist again. Mason wasn’t really eager to talk; he just wanted to leave his room for a little while. The psychiatrist tried to get through to him but barely managed.  Finally, he asked Mason to at least go for his daily walks again. Mason agreed but on one condition…

Less medication 
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Source: Chinnapong

Mason demanded less medication. He was convinced that he imagined his wife and son and blamed it on the medication. Besides, he didn’t WANT to see them; it only hurt him if they weren’t real! The psychiatrist agreed on a trial time with less medication as long as Mason kept him updated. Little did they know, this trial would be life-changing. 

Back to the park 
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Source: WDG Photo

After a few days of less medication and feeling the difference, Mason started walking to the park again. He felt incredibly grateful for his progress. The weather was nice, and the fresh air helped him relieve his thoughts. He even started walking better; it didn’t take him long to reach the park. 

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Source: Ezzolo

Mason reached the fountain, where he washed his hands again. He was completely relaxed. But when he looked up, he saw the woman and boy again! He didn’t know what he was seeing. He washed his face with the water to make sure he could believe his eyes, but they were really there! Perhaps, it wasn’t the medicine! 

Staying close 
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Source: Komsan Loonprom

This time, Mason stayed close. He walked toward them, but they seemed to go in the opposite direction; he had to follow them. He couldn’t manage to get closer, so he started yelling at them. At first: "Madam!" but soon after (when he began to believe it really was his wife), he yelled, "Susie!", "Susie!"

Taking a turn 
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Source: Master Hands

The woman and the little boy walked up a path in the park; he could no longer see them. But he knew this path had a dead end; this would be his chance to finally see and identify them! So he walked as fast as he could and took the same path. 

Sitting on a bench 
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Source: FotoCuisinette

Once he was around the corner and he could see the entire path, he saw the little boy and woman sitting on a little bench. He still had quite a distance to overcome but could clearly see them. He walked toward them as they looked at him as well. They smiled and seemed joyful. 

Getting clear
Source: Viktoria Szabo

The closer Mason got to them, the better the view of the woman and her little boy was. Mason realized better and better what they really looked like, as opposed to how he imagined them. Their faces and bodies were getting more clear with each step, and soon, he realized something. 

Looking like them
Source: Stockbusters

They may look like his wife and son, but Mason now saw that they were not. He felt confused, unsure of what to do, while he rubbed his eyes. Should he leave or stay? Did he trick himself into seeing this? Then, upon deciding what to do, something strange happened… 

The woman speaks
Source: Roman Samborskyi

The woman spoke to Mason. She was friendly. The woman asked him what was going on and whether he needed help with something. Mason didn’t know what to say. The woman was so remarkably similar to his wife, yet she wasn’t. He stuttered while trying to answer her, then left. But he’d come to regret leaving…. 

Turning around 
Source: fizkes

After a few meters, Mason changed his mind and turned around. He saw the woman and the little boy getting ready to leave. They walked past him, but he was unsure of what to say to them. He just knew he had to say something; "E-excuse me, madam. Can I ask you something?" The question that would follow, was shocking to the woman. 

Source: Chepko Danil Vitalevich

"Were you in a car accident three years ago?" Naturally, the woman didn’t respond at first. She only looked at him with a strange look on her face. Mason then repeated his question, this time more slowly and with more sensibility. A tear rolled down the woman’s cheek. Finally, she answered. 

Source: Alipasha

"Yes.." she carefully answered! Mason didn’t believe what he was hearing at first. Now, he was the one that was too stunned to speak! He started to look around. Who set this up? What did they want from him? This couldn’t be real! He looked at her again, then he realized something… 

Clock’s ticking 
Source: Inside Creative House

Mason was running out of time! He had to be back at the asylum in only 12 minutes! He had many things to ask the woman, but simply didn’t have the time to do so! He weighed his options, but realized that if he came back too late with this encounter as the reason, they’d think he had lost his mind! Luckily, Mason had a plan. 

Source: Antonio Guillem

He said to the woman: "I don’t know who you are, but we have to talk, don’t you agree?" At first, the woman didn’t answer. Mason gently grabbed her by her wrists and repeated his question. Finally, the woman reacted. They agreed to meet the next day at this exact spot. 

Just in time
Source: Nejron Photo

Mason returned to the asylum, just in time. He was completely overwhelmed but tried to keep his cool and look at this in a relative way. He refused to look for answers and just wanted to embrace all this as something supernatural. Finally, there was a light in his life, no matter how absurd it was. 

A night of many dreams 
Source: Ground Picture

That night, Mason kept dreaming about the woman and her little boy. He got up extra early to make sure he wouldn’t be late. He couldn’t be too early as well, as he needed all the time he was allowed to stay away to talk to the woman and her son. Unfortunately, a terrible obstacle would appear. 

The gardener 
Source: Pixel-Shot

Mason reported at the reception and asked to leave. Just when he was about to leave, he saw the park gardener standing next to some doctors. Mason greeted them, but only the doctors responded. Then, out of nowhere, the gardener said something to the doctor and pointed at Mason! What could he mean by that? 

"Come with us, please"
Source: Serafino Mozzo

The doctors approached Mason, and kindly asked him to come with them. But Mason didn’t want to. He had to meet the woman and her son! What was he supposed to do? They would think he was mad if he told them where he was heading, but on the other hand, he couldn’t afford to miss out on this appointment… 

Telling them he wanted to go 
Source: fizkes

Mason cooperated for now but tried to make the doctors understand that he really wanted to go outside for his walk, like any other day. But, annoyingly enough, they kept responding by saying: "Later… Later…" Then, they suddenly asked Mason to sit down. The moment of truth had finally arrived. 

Source: DC Studio

Mason told himself to cooperate as well as he could. Perhaps, he could still make it to the park on time. After he sat down, he friendly asked the doctors to explain what was going on. The doctors started explaining everything to him. Mason couldn't believe what he was hearing… 

His behavior
Source: Africa Studio

They told Mason that the gardener apparently reported Mason’s strange behavior at the park! Strange behavior? What behavior? The gardener told the doctors that Mason’s behavior was, supposedly, ‘offputting’ for the other park visitors. And he was worried about their well-being after encountering what was "clearly a madman." Mason was speechless… 

Bad news, after all 
Source: Portrait Image Asia

Luckily, the doctors realized that the gardener was overreacting. Apparently, he had come to them many times before, with similar complaints about other residents. They didn’t take him that seriously but still had to respect them as they didn’t want any trouble. This led to some bad news for Mason… 

"You can’t go there"
Source: Dmitry Naumov

The doctors told Mason that he couldn’t go to the park anymore. He was still allowed to go out, but the park is off-limits for the time being. This was disastrous for Mason; the park was all that mattered to him! He couldn't believe it. The only chance of meeting the woman and her little boy again ceased to exist… 

Leaving the office 
Source: Anna Jurkovska

Mason left the office, feeling terribly discouraged. He had hoped with all that he had to meet the woman and her son again, but faith had other plans. He couldn’t shake the thought of what the woman and her son must be thinking of him now. Would they be disappointed or relieved? 

Not going back to his room
Source: Sergey Hramov

Mason refused to go back to his room. He wanted fresh air, especially now that he had to digest such devastating news. He walked outside, took a right (where he’d usually take a left to go to the park), and just started walking. But he was about to make a life-changing decision. 

Getting angry!
Source: KreAtor Photography

Mason may have gone out to calm down, but he only got angry! He questioned everything; why would he allow an interfering gardener to ruin his life?  Why would he let some doctors tell him what he can or can’t do? Suddenly, he turned around, and started walking to the park as fast as he could! 

No gardener 
Source: apveanz

Mason arrived at the park only shortly after, and saw that there was no gardener whatsoever! He passed by the fountain and was now only minutes away from the place where he was supposed to meet the woman and her son. He walked so fast that, despite his crutches, he was close to running! He was really close now…